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dh lama gilaa babi tak tuliss ;)
hhaha . nak crite ape ?
raye dh lepas .
hm . raye this year tk best sgt pn .
biase je . mybe sbb dh besaa .
duit raye tk dpt sgt .

selamat hari raye ;)
tk trlmbat lgi pon nak wishh


yesterdayy , i had my night out with all my cousins ;)
bestt doeh ;p
haha , blah aa . watching resident evil .
yahhaa , muke kasi tutupp cause bnyakk gilaaaa laaa darah .
fuhh , bgg nak mmpos . mulut bagai ape ntah smalm .
sorry bhai , bnyakk kali gilaa mncarut .
sbb trkejot tahap tak ingat punyee ohhh .
hmm . smalam , dating ke ?
tak kot . tpi ye kot .
haha , bodohh sgt . thanx lahh to kau mizi .
kau buat aku rase segan bodoh .
hmm , malas nak lyan .
crite kat sini pon bkan nye ade org pham .
en en ?

gambar ?
ade ade , sabar sabar ;p

subject ; eizmier . mizi . wnie . eizwan
avenue ; dpan old town TS
photoman ; angahh ;p

subject ; kami
avenue ; dpan old town TS
photoman ; mizi ;p

subject ; kak long . wnie
avenue ; AnW TS
photoman ; eizmier ;p

subject ; mizi . hasrul
avenue ; AnW TS
photoman ; wnie ;p

subject ; illa . miraa
avenue ; tangge ;D
photoman ; wnie ;p

subject ; mizi . kak long . wnie
avenue ; obviouslyy dpan kereta sape ntah ;D
photoman ; eizwan ;p


thanx to u and u guys .
i had my great time with all .
hope our bond would never meet their end ;p
please allahh .

kak long . hasyimaa ahmad zailani
along . firdaus hassan
angah . haslin hidayah hassan
mizi . tarmizi ahmad zailani
wnie . syzwanie rosmen
illa . syaziella rosmen
miraa . amira mirza arman
iwan . eizwan rosmen
ogyy . haziatul rodzi ahmad zailani
emir . eizmier rosmen
hasrul . hasrul hassan

please . need this bond to be stronger and stronger
each dayy ;)

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